Don’t drink water with meals because it dilutes stomach acid and leads to poor digestion. Drink 6-8 glasses (250mL) of water per day. Although these drinks are comprised of water, they can also be dehydrating for the body. Hydration means drinking water (not coffee, caffeinated teas or energy drinks).

Water itself is a powerful detoxifier because it assists the kidneys and colon to eliminate waste. This allows you to be more attentive, alert and focused. Keeping the body properly hydrated encourages oxygen to flow freely throughout the body. Follow this 3-Day Sugar Detox and you will start feeling the effects immediately. It’s now time to crush that sugar habit once and for all. It’s well known that sugar feeds bad bacteria, and it has even been compared to cocaine because it’s so addictive-yikes! Sugar imbalances hormones, mood, energy, blood sugar and suppresses the immune system. The main aspect to focus on during a sugar detox is keeping the body well fed and hydrated. Although some cleanses rely on fasting and calorie restriction as the primary focus, that often isn’t the healthiest approach.